Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bunnies: Zurich, Switzerland (7/31/10)

Right next to my favorite brunch place, I discovered a pet store with the cutest bunnies. I almost had an apoplexy from excitement when I first saw them, and I visit them as often as I can. Here's one standing in his food on Saturday:

He proceeded to clean his front leg, which made him even more adorable:

Here's his friend, who has the floppy-eared thing down pat:

Sadly, some of the others seem to have been sold -- the first time I came, I counted six fuzzy fellows. Then and now, I couldn't stop oohing and aahing over how cute they were. I thought back to my 26th birthday, for which Josh surprised me with a traveling petting zoo replete with a little pink pig, elegantly feathered chickens and lots of furry bunnies. That was one of the best birthday presents I ever received!