Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, Sunday: Zurich, Switzerland (8/1/10)

Sunday. Officially August. I can't believe I'm leaving later this month!

I wasted no time being as Swiss as possible, especially on Swiss National Day (August 1st). Angela and I headed to another part of the lake to get our BBQ on.

My favorite item was the sausages wrapped in bacon. I mean, what's better than meat wrapped in meat?! I loved the little cartoon character on the wrapper: he's a sausage wearing a bacon vest!

It was such a beautiful day. Can you believe that it was fiercely cold and rainy later that evening? As a Californian, I have absolutely no barometer for imminent weather in Switzerland.

As I looked around our verdant surroundings, I was surprised to see something gray and fuzzy. It didn't look like a goose, and was too big to be a duck. I then figured out that they were baby swans, which I had never before seen! Unfortunately, they're uglier than I somehow imagined them to be. :(

With the buttery bread, toasty corn-on-the-cob and juicy meat from the grill, I was in tailgating heaven -- Swiss style!