Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dessert for Dinner: Zurich, Switzerland (8/13/10)

Angela made the mistake a while back of telling me about this dessert sampler at Terrasse, a very pretty restaurant in Zurich: with fantasies of chocolate curlicues and scented creams and pastel ices dancing through my head, I harangued her about going to Terrasse every time I saw her. We finally found a day that worked for both of us, and it was heaven! Seven full-size desserts for 35 CHF is expensive as a sweet ending to dinner, but a good deal if it is your dinner.

Here is the "before" shot:

And the "after" shot:

The tiramisu was the best. Wrapped in a thin layer of white chocolate, the spongy cake and rich cream partnered to create the perfect finale. Good thing we went salsa dancing afterwards -- I'm sure I sugar-bombed my system in the extreme!