Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brunch, Bunnies and Bratwurst: Zurich, Switzerland (8/8/10)

Angela and I went to get brunch today at my favorite place, and ended up talking all afternoon in a very European-feeling room with chairs upholstered in red velvet and lamps dripping in sparkling crystal. Of course, since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped to look at the bunnies. There's a new one, and he's really tiny and really cute! I loved his ears: one sticks straight up, and the other flops to the side.

This bunny, whom you'll recognize from a former posting, started cleaning himself and looked so simultaneously adorable and comical that I pressed my camera to the glass so that I could capture the process. (Refresh your browser if you don't see a video directly below.)

Since Angela and I spent five hours chatting -- we were just as surprised as you are -- we decided that we might as well get an early dinner. We headed to Bellevue and decided on Zurich's famous bratwurst. We split one meatstick and one piece of bread, since we felt like we had just finished eating brunch.

Honestly, though, how can you refuse this?

And then I just had to get gelato because it was right there, so we each got a waffle cone even though it was pouring rain. And in case you're wondering, yes, I have three scoops (melon, mango and strawberry).

I then walked about 20 minutes to the Central tram station, which was a gorgeous stroll by the water especially because the sun suddenly emerged from behind the clouds.

I can't remember the last time I had such quality time with a girl friend, and I loved it. Thanks, Angela!