Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Sunday in Zurich (8/15/10)

What did I do on my last Sunday in Zurich? I ate lots of yummy sweet things, of course! Here I am with Ziad, with whom I worked in Google Mountain View over five years ago (eons in Google time). He was actually the one who told me about Conditorei Schober, so I have him to thank for the many brunches I've enjoyed here!

After our delicious meal, we walked around town to burn some butter. Both of these snapshots is, at least to me, iconically Zurich.

Later that night, I met up with Angela for our last dinner together in Zurich. She suggested a place called Cakefriends. With a name like that, how could I refuse?! I took a picture of the ceiling, which featured their logo.

Unbelievably, when we ordered the cake sample -- yes, our dinner -- they told us that they had run out of cake. I thought it was terribly ironic that a place with "cake" in its name only had tarts available! Luckily for us, they were absolutely delicious. We shared a savory feta cheese and spinach tart, and each ordered a sweet berry tart. The filling had the feel and taste of warm cheesecake from the oven...so good!

I saw a drink called "milk caramel" and knew that I, caramel fanatic, had to get it. You know a drink is good when it comes with an attendant glass of water.

Finally, fresh loaves of cake came out of the oven. I'm not going to lie: they were scrumptious.

And so ended my last Sunday in Zurich: sweetly!