Friday, July 30, 2010

Swing Dancing by the Lake: Zurich, Switzerland (7/30/10)

Johnny, Angela and I decided to go swing dancing by Burkliplatz, which is on the lake in Zurich. As we walked over the bridge, I turned to my right and saw a gorgeous view. Thanks to Angela, who always keeps a camera in her purse, we now have this beautiful photograph!

Swing dancing was cute -- everyone gathers in this gazebo and dances to music from someone's boombox. It's free of charge, which is always great and especially awesome in Zurich because everything is extremely expensive. I also loved that it's so close by (5 minutes from the office) and available on a weekly basis (every Thursday around 9:30 p.m.). There was a reasonable turnout, considering that the weather was cold and rainy.

Speaking of which, it's just not right that rain can come down for seven days straight and the temperature can be briskly cold in the middle of summer. I guess the clear lake water has to come from somewhere, and it does: the sky, on a regular basis!