Monday, July 19, 2010

Living Like a Local: Zurich, Switzerland (7/18/10)

Thanks to my matron-of-honor's cousin, who has lived in Zurich for 2.5 years, today was the first day that I felt even remotely like a Zurich local. Yay for Angela!

The day began auspiciously with a sumptuous brunch at Conditorei Schober. My mouth waters at just the memory of this meal.

We then headed to Letten, which is a shockingly short distance from my apartment. I would have never found this local hang-out myself, though: the path winds past a somewhat sketchy pink building with walls of careless graffiti, beyond some structures of questionable utility, and finally down to a large area in which to play volleyball, lay out and go swimming. Obviously, lots of people have found their way here!

Some of Angela's friends were fearless and decided to jump off of the nearby bridge into the waters. I stayed put, with both feet on the ground, and agreed to take photographic evidence of their literal leaps of faith.

Angela bought one of Letten's famous tuna-steak ciabatta burgers with wasabi mayonnaise. It was a surprisingly gourmet and cutting-edge sandwich -- and tasty, too. I know because she was kind enough to share. :)

I definitely appreciated this lazy afternoon to soak in the sun. After five relaxing hours, I felt like my batteries were recharged for the workweek ahead!