Saturday, July 10, 2010

Zurifascht: Zurich, Switzerland (7/2/10)

Every three years, Zurich throws a huge street party with rides, booths and fireworks. I was lucky enough to be in town during this cycle's Zurifascht, as it's called, and with my mom navigated the streets that were closed off to non-pedestrian traffic. Good thing she was with me: all the trams were running on special routes, which I realized only after getting one and seeing that it was not taking its usual path. Basically, we had to hoof it based on little more than instinct and a vague Google Maps printout.

After successfully arriving lakeside, which is where the fireworks are staged, we took our places as close to the front as possible. We were pleased with our spots until two huge guys somehow found their way in front of us. They were not only tall (between 6'2" and 6'5") but also broad-shouldered, so I had to keep shifting my position so that I could see between their giant heads.

My mom and I really enjoyed the show, which was set to classical music, even though it started uncharacteristically (at least for the Swiss) late at 15 minutes past 11 p.m. It looks like I was able to get my July 4th fireworks after all. :)