This particular bathing house cost 7 Swiss Francs to get in. It consisted of a small restaurant, bathrooms, two floors of wooden docks (no, they were not as large as you might think), ladders that descended directly into the water, and some floating docks not too far from the shore.
It was nice, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to pay money again. Letten was free, and the people were much nicer, as we found out upon arrival. So this is what happened: Angela and I were trying to lay out our towels; as we carefully surveyed the crowded space, trying to select the most space-efficient layout, some dude appeared and told us to move over. He was really confrontational and really rude about it -- I was shocked by the unnecessarily unpleasant attitude he had. Most infuriating was that he wanted a configuration that wasted tons of space because he and his wife "wanted their faces in the shade but their bodies in the sun." After some snippy comments and brushing aside the fact that we were there first, he said, "oh, now she's upset" as his wife stalked away -- as if it were our fault! I felt keenly aware of everyone's gawking at us, and I said, "this is obviously quite difficult; I'll just move over." The people around us looked sympathetic and rearranged their towels to give us room. Oh, he was such a jerk!
That night, we went out with Angela's friends, one of whom was leaving Zurich after a two-year assignment. We ended up going to a Roman-themed lounge in Hardbrucke.
While I was taking pictures of the lounge, one of Angela's friends was like, "what are you, a tourist?" I nodded my head and gleefully snapped this photo:
As a joke, the guy sent to buy drinks purchased the "Ladies' Special" for everyone else. Here they are, drinking the fruity "Bubble Butt" (I did not make that name up):
We then headed over to a nearby club that played everything under the sun. My musical horizons have definitely been expanded forcibly since I been to Zurich! The last event of the night was the icing of Phil (the one returning back to the States). It was funnier in person because of the build-up -- you have to be really sneaky so that the victim has no idea it's coming -- but here's a video of the event!