After our delicious meal, we walked around town to burn some butter. Both of these snapshots is, at least to me, iconically Zurich.
Later that night, I met up with Angela for our last dinner together in Zurich. She suggested a place called Cakefriends. With a name like that, how could I refuse?! I took a picture of the ceiling, which featured their logo.
Unbelievably, when we ordered the cake sample -- yes, our dinner -- they told us that they had run out of cake. I thought it was terribly ironic that a place with "cake" in its name only had tarts available! Luckily for us, they were absolutely delicious. We shared a savory feta cheese and spinach tart, and each ordered a sweet berry tart. The filling had the feel and taste of warm cheesecake from the good!
I saw a drink called "milk caramel" and knew that I, caramel fanatic, had to get it. You know a drink is good when it comes with an attendant glass of water.
Finally, fresh loaves of cake came out of the oven. I'm not going to lie: they were scrumptious.
And so ended my last Sunday in Zurich: sweetly!