As you may know by now, I will be spending the next three months in Zurich this summer. What will I be doing, you ask? I will be covering my co-worker's maternity leave; since she and I are both Program Managers and pathologically organized, the transition has been as smooth as transitions can be.
Before starting my work in the Zurich office, I decided to take a vacation with Josh to Santorini and Paris. Not coincidentally, the second of our three days in Paris was my 29th birthday. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the last year of my 20's than indulging in flaky pastries, especially because I normally abstain from my favorite desserts (I guess vanity is stronger than gluttony for me). And oh, did I enjoy the Parisian pastries!
For my trips to Santorini, Athens and Paris, I humbly present to you two types of postings:
- Bulleted summaries, which I have completed (scroll down, or look under the June Blog Archive on your right)
- Prose reflections, which I have yet to write (check back, or request notification)
I will also post on trips that I take during my time in Zurich. I am aiming to post at least one entry per week, so please come back and visit soon!